Scarfs are probably the easiest way to dress up a top and make an outfit "pop." Take a gray v-neck tee for instance. By itself, it's boring, plain, ugly, simple..
Now dress it up with a scarf and... BAM! So much better! It now has some life and zest to it!
The simplest addition can make the biggest difference. Accessorizing can save you tons of money and time. Who needs hundreds of tops when you can dress up the simple ones with great colorful scarfs? Plus, they keep you warm which comes in handy now that the mornings here are around 50 degrees.
Do yourself a favor by getting the most for your buck! Go out and make sure you have some saucy (colored and/or printed) scarfs this fall. Also, be sure you know how to properly wear/tie your scarf before making your big debut so you don't look foolish. See some great pointers here!
Stay saucy & don't leave that neck exposed,