Thursday, July 12, 2012


Well, I know I have been quite #M.I.A. with my blogging recently so I apologize, but I have been one busy lady! Having graduated from college, and learned all about #enology (the study of wine) I am now getting into the swing of the #realworld... it happened way too quickly. 

Original #Furby from '98.
While I was finally feeling like I was getting into a good routine with all of this "new-ness" something happened. It was article. And it's headline mentioned the return of the #Furby. 

I remember when I was 8 (back in 1998, that sounds SO long ago...) and I really wanted my own #Furby. Everybody did. It didn't matter if you were a boy, girl, tomboy, feminine boy or any other mixture of boyish-girlish tendencies. If you were a kid in '98, you had a #Furby or you were driving your parents crazy to buy you one ASAP.

I loved my #Furby.... for about an hour or two. Once I realized that the "Off" button didn't quiet the toy, I started getting both freaked out and frustrated. It would just blink it's eyes at me and tell me it's name over and over. "My name is AJ Coco....My name is AJ Coco...."
Gizmo from Gremlins

Having older brothers I had grown up seeing scary movies a lot. My #Furby ended up reminding me of something that a mixture of the Chucky movies and Gremlins could have produced. I wouldn't let it sleep in my room or get anywhere near me when lights were off.

2012 #Furby.
Needless to say that I have heard many #Furby stories since they were the hot item back in the late '90s and they all end up sounding pretty similar to mine. This only makes me wonder why #Hasbro would decide to bring these creatures back?!

Maybe I haven't read up on the new make of the toy enough to be a good judge here, but I think my own #Furby experiences will have me scarred for a long time.

Stay saucy & use good judgment if you're planning on buying one!

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