Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I know an average betch will look at this and think I am going to list off #wardrobeessentials for the fall season, however these are tips that will help you look better and feel better.

*first and foremost, a betch must remember to always it! Don't be that person walking in a tank outside in the pouring rain that Delco, Ohio loves to greet us with. If it is going to be 40 degrees one day, don't be surprised to wake up the next morning to a lovely day of 68 degrees. A betch-must-have-app is definitely the one! Whether you have a smartphone or not, have this in reach. You want to know when it's going to be raining to rock that rainjacket and your best pair of #Wellies or #Hunters. Highly suggesting that you #bookmark a weather website you trust enough to base your outfits on for the day so you won't look so #foolish!

*Crispsin Natural Hard Apple Cider - If you don't have the stomach to drink brews 24/7 you should definitely look into drinking a #CrispinAle. It is a great to drink with a nice dinner. If you have ever had a Strongbow Cider and enjoyed the taste, then you will definitely like Crispin. These #badboys have about 7% alchohol in them which makes them way more effective than throwing back brews...and less caloric as well! [[afterall, no betch wants to bloat]] Enjoy!

*Hot Apple Cider - On the topic of ciders, nothing feels more fall-ish to me than a cup of hot apple cider. While the leaves are changing and the weather is gradually becoming colder and colder, there's nothing better to warm you up than a refreshing apple cider. Serve hot or cold and you won't regret!

*Football games - with the return of fall also comes the return of football. Sunday & Monday night football games will keep both the #betches and #decks entertained and on the edge of their seats. Thank god the #lockout did not interfere. Could you imagine the #decks going a day without discussing their #FantasyFootball teams? ...Nope, I couldn't either. 

Enjoy the change of seasons,

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