Every betch knows that #LDR (or, long distance relays) are sometimes tricky to make work. Since I'm a lucky betch and only have to deal with #LDRs during the summers and on breaks from school, I couldn't imagine how my other betches who have boyfriends in different countries do it! They are truly amazing & I commend them!
I will say though, with the invention of #Skype it makes things a while lot easier. Thanks to #Skype, it feels like you are almost hanging out with your deck and it is really nice! Although nothing can obviously compare to what when you're together in person, it's nice to have the option of actually seeing and talking to them while millions of miles away from one another.
#IPhone is also helpful for having Facetime where you can video chat with them on your phone [[given the fact that your deck also has a newer IPhone]]. I have never done #Facetime, but I feel like it would be somewhat awkward. I can just picture having a really good conversation, but the lack of privacy would bother me because you would probably make other people annoyed by having a conversation as loud as a Facetime one would be. If you can't wait to talk until you get to your computer and are an #anxiousbetch, I suppose this is the option you'd prefer. Let me know how that goes, I'm still very curious. & please, don't be that betch who is doing it in line at the grocery store, at the gate in the airport, or anywhere too public. No one wants to hear every intricate detail of your saucy/or not-so-saucy life.
The last way to connect with someone [[and I'm thinking about those #abroadrelays here]] would be by BBM. Of course you'd have to disregard my post about the zesty #IPhone rather than how I divorced my #Berry, but if you are with someone who is not in the country or is traveling abroad, then I would definitely think a #Berry with BBM would be your best bet! Texting from country to country would surely rack up the phone bill & lets be honest, no one wants that!
Also, if you have betches who are "relaycist" -- one who is against those betches in relationships, don't feel bad about being in a relay, just kindly move into another room when you are talking to your deck [[not like you wouldn't do that anyways, but just a kind gesture so as to not upset the betchhood]].
Stay saucy & save those relays,
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