Friday, March 23, 2012


Sitting on #Pinterest just now I came across something, like #Mantyhose, which made me think about fashion. We all had them in the '90s so don't pretend like you never had one, but the way they are trying to dress them up is just #preposterous.

Nobody is going to look good or fashionable with a #fannypack around their waist. It just doesn't work that way. Although there are many varieties offered of #fannypacks, none of them really make me want to go out and buy one to "dress up" my favorite outfits. If you ask me, #fannypacks were a one-time thing and the term #retro doesn't include bringing these bad boys back.

But don't let me influence your opinions, check out these winners for yourself and decide your stance.

Practical but not so #animal-humane. That
poor dog is practically flailing in that #FP.
#Blingout your #fannypack?
Or maybe you prefer it to be #studded?

Bringing it to the #runway....still not working for me though.

#HulkHogan seems to love having his hands free
thanks to his #fannypack.

Stay saucy &please just carry a bag,

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Just when I think I've seen it all, there's always something out there that amazes me. Today we will look into this new #trend called #Mantyhose. Basically, #Mantyhose are the male version of lady pantyhoes.

I will say that I am no fan of these #M-Hose. They are slightly #disturbing and slightly #scary. As we try and understand the #M-Hose, albeit more of these sorts of #inventions are just beginning to take off. I really can't imagine what else people will create after seeing this sight.

 To those people I just want to take a moment to caution them:

Please understand that the money you put into these #inventions most likely won't be matched or turn into much of a profit. 

Stay saucy & invest wisely,

Monday, March 19, 2012


Looking for a #feelgoodsong? Look no farther. If you haven't gotten onboard with this song before seeing this post, you are definitely missing out! #CallMeMaybe is definitely the catchiest song since #MamboNumba5 if you ask me. But check it out for yourself!

Stay saucy & current with the tunes,


With beautiful weather following us from Jamaica to Delaware, Ohio nothing can gets spirits down now. #Spring is here in Ohio and apparently all throughout the east coast as well. Nothing makes you feel saucier than being able to shed all the layers needed for the brutal winter days! Be bold & show off your #SpringBreakTan by sporting your favorite pair of wedges, jean shorts, and cute tops!
Get your nails looking spicy with all pastel colors!
Plus ladies, we all know that the lighter the color,
the tanner you look.

It's time for some saucy nude #wedges
to come out and play!

Start the BBQ's and grilling. Nothing is more satisfying than
a healthy and filling kabob! 

Pink Grapefruit #Margs are always a
 refreshing choice.
And of course, we cannot forget supporting our
#laxbros during their season. You can
cheer on your friends, enjoy a few of the
aforementioned #Margs and get some
Vitamin D. Pale is OUT. 

Stay saucy & enjoy the weather while it's here!