Sunday, February 12, 2012


What is more grody than  a public restroom? I guess you could try and debate that #porterpotties are just as grody, but lets be real here. Public restrooms need a serious makeover.

I know that a place that people usually are in & out of in a matter of minutes shouldn't be the biggest of concerns, but hygienically speaking it should be. Lets think about this for a second. We are always told to wash our hands, especially during the #coldseason, but no one ever seems to care enough to make these restrooms a little bit better.

Not going to name names, but as I type this blog post I am sitting in a cafe in beautiful Delaware, Ohio. There restroom is located down in the basement...

Sound sketchy to you? Yes, definitely. I thought the same thing. Although I have been in this cafe many times before to complete work and hang out with friends, I have never had to visit this #dangerzone. It is not only dimly lit, but also filled with germs. Since I'm a #germophobe, I really don't do well with those conditions.

I think we all need to reconsider the poor condition of these public restrooms and put some serious thought & money into helping them become more hygienically sound and inviting. Look at this saucy restroom on the left. It's elegant and beautiful! This is an inviting space for all.

Now if there was just a law that made all restroom doors #push-able and not #pull-able, then we could eliminate more germs!

Stay saucy & hygienic,

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