Thursday, May 17, 2012


#Mealbreaker (n.): a nasty, non-edible surprise found in food while it is being eaten; often lawsuit-provoking, sometimes fabricated, always disgusting.

After having witnessed many #mealbreakers in my day, it is time to address them and to bring it to the attention of all who package or are in charge of food! After working in a restaurant two summers ago, I'm aware that what goes on behind closed doors, is not always the prettiest of sights.

#Disgusting. No McDonald's for a while.
Today I read an article about a man who found a cockroach in his McDonald's hash-brown. Not only is that so disgusting, but it is also alarming that a potential drive-thru run could end that way for any of us!

I know that when I was younger there was a rat found in the nearest Burger King, but not in the food! I also have seen staples in taco meat and bugs in rice, but nothing that could compare with what this man from McDonald's must have felt.

Another thing that goes along with #mealbreakers are restaurants that have customers without shoes or who look like they have never heard of a shower before. If the environment doesn't look hygienic, or like it attracts the cleanest of people, in most cases -- it isn't and you should probably look up another place to eat.

I just don't really understand why someone would want to walk around unknown surfaces without shoes?! Maybe it's just the #germaphobe in me, but I could never ever fathom doing such a thing.

Stay saucy & always hygienic,

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