Monday, January 9, 2012


So today, I had my 6-month-checkup at the dentist. All was good: no cavities, gingivitis, gum inflation, etc. so I was very pleased. & also hearing that I most likely (fingers crossed) will not have to deal with the pain of getting #wisdomteeth pulled was also a relief. The one thing that wasn't so saucy...? The very friendly, but way too chatty dental hygienist! I quickly qualified her as a #mouthymujer.

I mean, asking me Yes or No questions while you have dental tools probing around in my mouth is fine. I can usually get away with a nod or a basic "no" while not being able to fully speak. But when you ask me my age, my major and minor, where I want to move, etc. when my mouth is full of mirror probes and floss, I don't really know what to tell you.

It was evident that this hygienist had definitely done this before. I only say that because she could understand my speech much better than I was expecting. She understood every word I was trying to say in response to her questions. Ex: Cape Cod, Journalism and Spanish, California... all of which sounded nothing like they should.

I was #shocked. This #mouthymujer clearly did not seem to think that having a full on conversation with me "under the light" was so #atypical. Although, when I could actually speak after my #inspection we got along great, I was really just trying to have my teeth looked at in peace.

I didn't know I was going to walk into an unannounced interview with this hygienist and play #50Questions with my mouth full of metal tools.

Needless to say that when I go back in 6 months, I plan to be more prepared for her.

Stay saucy & brush generously,


  1. Funny post, cara. Check the 1:37 mark, I think you'll be able to relate haha

  2. Haha just got a chance to look at this tyler! Great comparison, love it!
