Monday, August 1, 2011


A lot of people are confused about the hashtag, so I thought it was appropriate to clear it up. When you # (hashtag) something, it is just to get a simple and quick thought across. Most people use it when "tweeting" on their Twitter accounts, but for me, I seem to enjoy using them in everyday conversation every now and then. It throws some people off for the first few minutes, sure. But in my experience, people really seem to enjoy it and have fun with it. I am a little nervous about how quickly it has come into play though. It seems as if the rate its going it will be a new language... but then again, "betch" and "saucy" haven't made it into the dictionary yet so I guess it's still a few years off. Some people who are haters of the # choose the / (backslash) as a way of getting even with those who enjoy the # maybe a little too much. It really doesn't matter to me, but if you want to be politically correct (P.C.) you should probably warm up to the hashtag since it does not seem to be leaving anytime soon. So for all you people out there who are confused or just hating on the #, give it a try. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

*Oh, but please don't call it a pound-sign, its just very out of date. Thanks.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Cara!
    Katie just showed me your blog. I love it!! I am not sure i fully understand hashtags.. but i'll catch on! Best of luck getting your words in to the dictionary! Keep up the good bloging!

    Julia Carlin

    Follow My Blog
