This is not okay! |
Okay, so today I had a day off work, yet it hardly felt like it. I was busy running around doing some errands, and couldn't help but notice how many people should
really invest in a belt! I mean, in the grocery stores, parking lots, TJMaxx... why do people think
feelin' a breeze is a good look?
Please pull up your jeans when you feel them sagging! ...& that leads me to my next question...
why are you wearing jeans in Cape Cod during the middle of August? [[I just don't understand.]] Anyways, exposing the crack above the derriere is not a good look for
anyone. Plumbers are the only ones who can mildly get away with such an #attirefoul, but only because it's basically in their job description. I know that if it were me, I'd be mortified to know that my pants were hanging that low! Decks -- if you like rocking the
baggy-jean-look, that's your choice but please at least hike up the boxers so we don't have to see any unnecessary
parting of your buttocks, thanks!
A tip: make sure you get a size in pant that fits. I'm sure that once you've made that step toward a better fitting pair, the risk of this happening to you will decrease immensely!
Stay saucy & "say no to crack",
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