Monday, August 1, 2011


Ok, so before I begin blogging here I would just like to fill everyone in on what I have been up to since July 1. I currently work at a clothing store up in Cape Cod. However, I have never experienced so many odd things happening in one month. First of all, I really do not understand how people don't know what a dressing room is by now... & I am not just talking about kids here. Too many hairy chested old men are burned into my memory from this summer job. There was one time where I could have sworn this man was  a human version of Chewbacca.

Why do you insist on changing in the middle of the store? People can and do see you... He had so much hair that when he finally came up to the counter to buy his shirt, I didn't know if I should give him a treat or just his receipt and bag. It doesn't end there though. 8 hour shifts are fine, but not when all you have to hear is a playlist of 10 "elevator music" genre songs. You know you're not alone when you hear at least five times a day from customers, "How do you get through this?" Anyways, the main story to take away from this is that if you are in a store please find someone and ask where the dressing rooms are! No one wants to see that, it's uncomfortable and unnecessary.

Stay saucy,

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