- The word: moist is my all time top #petpeeve. I feel so uncomfortable whenever it is mentioned in conversation. It's gotten so bad recently that even daily words like "moisture", or being offered a "moist towelette" and/or "moisturizer" really leave me feeling unsettled. So please, when describing a cake/brownies/any another delectable treat, please refrain from using the M-word in front of this betch. It makes my stomach turn. It gets worse... it's taken over one of my favorite shampoos&conditioners. It's true betches, Aussie has adopted the word. Yes, I understand it is the only real sensible word when concerning damaged&dry hair, but the word needs a makeover as badly as Jessica messed up when she let Nick get away. There needs to be a way to make it seem more pleasant to say & hear!
- Socks & Sandals: sorry to all of those who have come to love this "fashion" statement. You know you're doing something wrong if even the makers of RocketPower made it look bad (aka shoooobies). I understand it may be comfortable, or if it seems to make more sense to you then just going "nude" in a sandal, but give the au naturel technique a try for not only me, but all the other betches & decks out there, please!
- Turtlenecks: Not many people know this about me, but I really cannot stand wearing turtlenecks. The look is fine, I suppose, but the feeling is god awful. If I wanted to feel like I was being choked all day I'd wear a '90s choker (remember those choice of necklaces?) Honestly though, who decided to make a long-sleeved shirt into a turtleneck? If they don't bother you, then more power to you and I applaud those who do wear them and appear to be somewhat comfortable in them, but I am really curious about how the whole idea of a turtleneck started and I guess that's whats most #petpeevish about it to me.
- Doing anything gross in public: If you learned to do something in private, please don't display in public. Seems like a simple concept, right? However, judging from how many nasty habits you can observe in just fifty minutes of class, you'd be surprised how difficult some people find this to be. Just to keep it brief and not to get too into the subject here, if you know you have a habit that most would not find conventional behavior then please come supplied to class or anywhere in public with tissues, Q-tips, a nail-clipper, etc. It just leaves no one feeling comfortable.
- Singing/humming on the plane: This one gets me every time. It's fine to be excited when the flight attendants have cleared us for turning on our electronics. You can even maybe unleash a verse or two of the song you're IPod is treating you with. However, once you hit the chorus I will have to add you to my list of #petpeeves. The airplane isn't that loud. People might, and probably do hear you.
- Sharing spoons: It doesn't matter how much I like you/love you/hang out with you/etc. if you try and share a spoon with me that I have been using for something (ex: ice cream, cereal, soup...) it will gross me out like no other. I am all for sharing. My "germaphobe" days died once I entered college, and I'm very easygoing, but once you take the spoon I've recently used and put it into another food and then into your mouth, that is just too much! You could have just put some of your soup into my next spoonful of ice cream. Last time I checked, Cheddar Broccoli soup doesn't go well with Cookie dough icecream. It's straight nasty betches, very nasty.

Please, read these and take them to heart. I don't find any of them too out of the ordinary, so if you stay on track and avoid doing these I'm sure your sauciness-level will sky rocket!
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